Saturday, February 14, 2009

Unforunate Pics: Former Kriss Kross Member Spotted Looking Rough As Hell

Why are his pants still backwards?

Flicks Courtesy:


Reggie said...

SMDH....And he looks mad that he's getting noticed....What that fuck??!?

I need some of that hair grease....:)

BPS 4.0 : Soul Exposure said...

At what point do you finally say, "Fuk it, cut it off, I'll just go bald"?

Keisha Kornbread said...

I'm sure with all the pressures from the media and public, child stardom took it's toll. We don't know what happened so we shouldn't judge.

Mr. Jones said...

Reggie - Not "I need some of that grease" tho. LOLOLOLOL.

BPS - That's what I'm sayin!

Keisha - Actually, I think he has Alopecia (sp?). Its pretty common in black men and women.

PRIMO said...

Yeah I heard he had alopecia too.

But still there comes a time when you just have to let go and cut that shit off cuz I mean seriously.... can u imagine someone tryna Cornrow that MESS?!?!

And Them Pants I Wont Even Start on....

Mr. Jones said...

^^ **fights back schoolgirl giggles** ^^

dickspot said...

At least he's wearing his pants the right way........

thegayte-keeper said...


RunningMom said...

OMG! WTF happened to his head!?!?!

Turn your shit around and shave your head, and while your at it throw the k-mart Timbs away...SMH...

Mr. Jones said...

LOL @ ya'll going in on dude. He really does need to shave his head tho. At a point, you just need to let it go.

And somebody turn his damn pants around. This is not 1992 and nobody is jumping.

Kyon Saucier said...

He looks gross.

Losojosnuevos said...

Y'all are too bad. Brother looks like he's going through something bad. Let's keep him in prayer.

Mr. Jones said...

Mr. Saucier, you are a fewl. LMAOOOOO @ "he looks gross".

Loso - You're so kind. Much kinder than me. LOL.

deonte' k said...

OMG!!!! his head looks terrible.

Acoustic Soul said...

He looks the same to me. Just with a mustache. I won't lie and say his hair it hot to def, he needs to cut that shit off. And turn them GOT DAYUM PANTS AROUND!

E.Z Street said...

There are times in life where I don't even knno what else to say. this is one of them...

Darius T. Williams said...

That Dude Right There said...

Where'd you get these pictures?? Hmmmm!!

Mr. Jones said...

They're from Concrete Loop, TDRT.

mp1 said...


bLaQ~n~MiLD said...

Yiiiiiiiiiiiikes! LoL


Acoustic Soul said...

LMAO @ bLa!~n~MiLD

Mr. Jones said...

^Oh lord...don't encourage him. Lol.

memphiz said...

no stop that madness right now! LMAO i know they did not play him like this! whew this made my day.

Mr. Jones said...

^^LOL...he played himself by coming outta the crib looking like that, baby girl.

Dr.Friday said...

That's sad on so many levels.

Jon said...

He wouldn't look so bad if he cut his hair or whats left of his hair.

Mr. Jones said...

^^Welcome to the site, Jon. I have to disagree with you, my man. That fool would look rough as hell even with a full head of hair. LOL.

clnmike said...


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