Friday, March 27, 2009

Reason #182 Gays Often Have A Bad Rep: Unnecessary Sass and Drama

This clip is from the opening minutes of the very first episode of the new season of BET's College Hill.

I'm all for standing your ground, but his response was much too much. Yes, she was she a prissy b*tch that did try him ever-so-slightly, but his reaction way disproportionate and out of line. They JUST met and he went awf like she tortured, then killed his cat.

Poor gal got the reading of a lifetime between 4:06 and 4:22. This dude WENT WAAAAAY IN for 16 seconds straight. Ugh! @ how mean and nasty some gays can be for no reason whatsoever.

Am I the only one who thinks his reaction, though good for a chuckle, was totally over-the-top?

ULTIMATE DOOM @ that neck pop lock and drop @ 3:49


bLaQ~n~MiLD said...

Ummmmmmm yea dude was a lil too much. There are more effective/stinging ways to place someone in their little birdcage than to make yourself come off as a drama inducing queen. Eh, iono...


Cash S. said...

Yeah, he was doing way too much. It will be interesting to see how the rest of the season plays out.

Anonymous said...

OMG! I had to turn the TV off! I was so disappointed, not only at that, but I couldn't even finish the show

Losojosnuevos said...

That was excessive. Personally, I prefer to handle misunderstandings in a more dignified manner. If he didn't want to be a stereotype, he is now.

PRIMO said...

OMG! LMAO! As I Watched The 1st & 2nd Episode Last Night I was like is he serious.... Granted she did push it but he flipped out like she snatched his wig off and threw it off the boat! He was WAAAAAYYYY too much for me......

BTW that damn Brandon [I Think his name is] Is So Damn FINE!!!!! This season is gonna be a mess and prolly the best one since they were in the Virgin Islands lol. Ill Be Watching When I Can....

Darius T. Williams said...

My air card is kicking rocks or something right now cuz I can't see the video.

Curious said...

I think I have found a reason to watch BET now. Yes he was a mess and he went over the top, but that's what reality TV is all about, putting people together who wouldn't even be in the same city block in real life and waiting to see how the fireworks fly. This is like Jerry Springer in the sun.

Anonymous said...

Did he not personify every, and I do mean every, stereotype associated with being Gay, Black &

He is obviously not as secure as he wants to come off.

From the beginning of his 'tirade', it was clear to everyone of his preference...but he didn't have to queen out as

I do get 'Life' from his foolishness though.


Mr. Jones said...

@ Blaq - I think you're right. There's something about a calm, subtle read that stings more than causing a scene.

@ Cash - Waaaaay too much, right?

@ Anon - Tell me about it!!! LOL.

@ Loso - I'm with you on this, brotha.

@ PRIMO - That brotha is easy on the eyes. **creams**

@ Darius - Get that this together. LOL.

@ Curious - LOL @ you having a new reason to watch BET. This foolishness is very messy. Beware.

@ Anon #2 - Yeah, it was funny as hell, but come on...he should be slapped. LOL.

life said...

I posted this video on my blog on Thursday. I died when I saw it.

Joey Bahamas said...

I'm sorry, but I couldn't see her reading me. I would've gone zap-for-zap with that queen. That situation called for a one-liner and side of shade, and that cunt would've been sealed. He didn't have to go off like that...a damn shame!


Joey Bahamas said...

...and another thing...if you're that unsightly, you should really do your best to not draw attention to yourself...


RocaFella07 said...


1st off...DEAD @ you using "DG" jargon on your Blog! LOL!

Ugh!...It IS BET after all.


Mr. Jones said...

@ Life - LOL @ me being late to the party.

@ Joey - You aint eva lied!!!!

@ Roca - Kiii!!!

yet another black guy said...

See what happens when folks have a camera around? Just HAVE to show their ass, ugh!

Allan said...

LOL he's a HOT ASS MESS. He really read her for no reason, he came off as gay from jump. If he was that offended all he had to do was say "I prefer not to discuss my personal business right now" or something like that..........UGH!

BuddahDesmond said...

I'm not sure I can respond effectively after He SERIOUSLY didn't need to take it to that extent. That was so uncalled for. He could've pulled her to the side and had a one-on-one conversation with her if he was that bothered by how she put his business in the streets. It didn't need to be blown out of proportion like that. And if this is any indication of what's in store for the rest of this season - I just don't know what to say.... Like Roca said, "It IS BET after all."

Anonymous said...

I dont think he went overboard at all. She tried to come for him and he shut that shit down. I appreciated the fact that he refused to be anyone's joke and gave that BITCH the READ OF THE CENTURY!

Blogger T said...

She totally deserved the reading she got and I would have read for blood too. You gotta get your respect earlier in a situation like that and what better way then reading a bitch in front of the whole house. I bet they won't fuck with him the rest of the season

Mr. Jones said...

She was a mess and so was he. Get into her hair flip just before she told him he needed to lower his voice.

Dr.Friday said...

Such unnecessary drama.

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