Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Marion Barry, what are we gonna do with you? **sigh**

Marion Barry is always caught up in some sh*t. For that reason we should all take a moment to point and laugh at him.

**pauses for the cause**

This is the real, unedited cover to the actual hard copy the Washington City Paper published regarding former D.C. Mayor Marion Barry’s most recent scandal. Other than noting that Marion Barry is the messiest politician of them all (sans Ronald Reagan, of course) I won't even go into the merits of this ridiculous story.

For those of you who actually give a damn the following is a snippet from Washington City Paper:

In mid-June, Donna Watts-Brighthaupt had an encounter with Ward 8 Councilmember Marion Barry. Watts was driving around, taking care of some personal business, when Barry caught sight of her. He made a point of getting her to pull over, and the two quickly got involved in an intense discussion.

The exchange hinged on their roughly yearlong relationship, a bizarre one even by the standards of one of the District’s most-watched womanizers. As Barry attempted to stake out his position on their fortunes, Watts-Brighthaupt was quick to point out the ways in which she felt mistreated. One stood out: “You put me out in Denver ’cause I wouldn’t suck your dick,” Watts-Brighthaupt yelled at Barry, according to a tape recording of the conversation.

For Washington City Paper's full story: click here.


Anonymous said...

r u gay?

Mr. Jones said...

Is that question for me or Marion?

Dr.Friday said...

Dead @ anonymous!!!!

As for Marion, he is a complex man with many personal demons. Despite his flaws, he is a masterful politician who has held major influence over my city for 35 plus years.

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