Posted Aug 11th 2009 2:00AM by TMZ Staff
The former singer from Diddy's MTV reality show "Making the Band 2" has once again made the cut -- but cops say this time Sara Stokes was using a knife ... to stab her own husband.
We know what you're thinking, "someone must've beat the crap out of this woman" -- but according to cops, it was the exact opposite.
This bloody mug shot was taken after Stokes was arrested for domestic violence August 2 at their home in Moreno Valley, CA.
According to law enforcement sources, Sara stormed out of the house after arguing with husband Tony -- she tripped, fell down and accused him of doing it.
We're told Sara -- who hurt her head in the fall -- grabbed a knife and stabbed Tony in the arm -- while their 3 kids watched.
Paramedics and cops came and Stokes was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon and domestic violence. The D.A. is deciding whether to charge her.
Sara's lawyer, Eric Kayira, tells us, "Sara and Tony have a very passionate and loving relationship that on August 2, while having an evening of fun, she slipped and fell, hitting her head heavily on the ground and somehow in the process of helping her Tony got injured."
ROF. Damn Sarah. That husband was crazy on the show also if I remember correctly he thought she could go solo...
To bad this couldn't have happen earlier this year...I know that sounds bad, but if this mug shot of her falling outside could have come at the same time as that picture of Rhianna came out. Maybe a lot of her bruises came from a fallin gon the ground as well, think about that for a moment!!
Is anyone trippin off of what her lawyer says, "...they have a very loving and passionate relationship"
That was so passionate one ended up in jail and the other in the emergency room. Nothing says, "evening of fun" like jail and the ER!
"...somehow in the process of helping her Tony got injured"
...hmmm I'm guessing the apples, she was cutting for their "evening of fun", kept accidentally going into his body as he was helping her off the ground.
Wow.. And I liked me some Sarah on the show.
She slipped, tripped, bust her lip and got up and cut a bitch!!! lmao
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