Remember Lisa Turtle, the Black chick from Saved By The Bell? Well looks like she's trying out for a new gig now: Memoirs of a Geisha 2. Either that or she's been seeing Lil Kim's make up artist. Either way, she looks a plum fool.
I know there were rumors swirling about her being a recovering coke addict (isn't it always coke?) but these pics are a FAAAAAAR cry from the recently shot People Magazine SBTB reunion cover. I really do hope she's well, but these pics tell a different tale -- a tale from the crypt, that is.
I know there were rumors swirling about her being a recovering coke addict (isn't it always coke?) but these pics are a FAAAAAAR cry from the recently shot People Magazine SBTB reunion cover. I really do hope she's well, but these pics tell a different tale -- a tale from the crypt, that is.
Photos courtesy of the site on the watermark.
^^I know. :-(
She doesn't look that bad, she just needs to fire her(or possibly hire a better)makeup artist because that foundation is waaay off! I mean they sell the airbrush thing for cheap on TV!!!
Well she actually has been suffering from Bipolar Disorder for quite a while. So i'm not going to say anything bad about ole girl.
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