Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I was robbed at gunpoint yesterday.

I was robbed last night around 8:30-8:45 while walking home from the gym. Two lil fuckers approached me, demanded my Blackberry (of all things), brandished a silver gun and ran off after I forked it over.

Fortunately, this novice bitches didnt take my gym bag which contained two pair of shades that combined to cost twice as much as the Blackberry, my wallet (sans any cash), my keys, a $1550 check I was planning to deposit at work on Monday but didnt b/c I forgot a deposit slip and clothes and shoes.

I'm fine other than having my dignity snatched from me and being completely emasculated by two punks who couldnt have been any older than 16-18.

I'm posting this here, not for sympathy, but b/c some of my actual friends read this blog and may be wondering why they haven't been able to contact me by telephone. I'm not iggin' any of you, some project n*ggers took my shit.

Oh, BPD can suck my dick, too. I called those bitches around 9:10 to file a report. These hoes showed up at 12:30am. I didnt even answer the door.

Sorry if for typos, if any. I'm writing this in transit.


Mich said...

brutal..... stupid little punks....

Jamar Herrod said...

I'm still upset about that. I was like wtf. Cowards are thieves. I'm just glad you are ok bro.

Curious said...

Let me get this straight, 2 kids threatened your life over a Blackberry? Don't those things come almost free with a contract and without one they're basically useless? That's why as I get older, I dislike more and more children. Glad you're OK though, young one.

That Dude Right There said...

I really thought that you were kidding!!! I'm glad that you're all right!!

Mr. Jones said...

^^Yeah...I'm as serious as that silver gun that was pointed my way.

kennyking78 said...

Shut up! I, too, have been robbed at gunpoint and it is no joke. I know that you are going to feel weird everytime you leave the gym and go that direction... at least for a while.

Glad you are okay and ALL they got was a Blackberry. Wow, a Blackberry? So random and unnecessary. You should have the phone company do a GPS track on it and have the police surprise those lil' punks with a gun or two pointed at them! It would serve them right!

Also, you are a fool for throwing the BPD shade by not opening the door.

yet another black guy said...

Man, OMG! Thankfully you're okay, but dam if that ain't some crazy shit! No wonder you didn't return my texts.

But really, who steals phones? Really. Who?

Cocoa Rican said...

I'm sooo glad you're okay. At times like these you feel the vigilante creepin' up and wanting to bust some punk ass, then you realize that it's not worth it. The Blackberry will be like a grenade in their possession. Trust...believe

thegayte-keeper said...

Glad they didn't take your most valuable possession...

deonte' k said...

OMG!!!!! This is soo fucked up.. sorry for cursing but I hate that shit.... I got rob twice downtown in Baltimore, when I live there... a mess.... call me soon buddy.. luv u!

SHA said...

Lurker. Had to come out of hiding to say Im really sorry this happened to you. Lil' assholes.

E said...

Damn that's fucked up. I'm glad you're okay.

Romey said...

Warren, first off, I'm glad that you are ok and walked away with your life. I can recall a time when I was robbed near North Ave & Fulton Ave. 2 guys pushed me into a wall and ran off with my cell phone and wallet. The police didn't show up until hours later after I called distraught. It was a mess. The second time, I came out as a winner (kinda). A group of kids followed me home and tried to attack me just a few blocks away from my house. Luckily, I was not hurt but one of them broke my cell phone while the other attempted to hit me with a tree branch. I escaped their failed attempt after I swung on one of them and ran like I was in a marathon. I'll never forget these two moments.

Keisha Kornbread said...

Idiot asses...

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